Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Fun at the Farm!

There's been rather a lot going on at Dorset Mummy towers so once again I find myself apologising for the lack of posts. I've certainly got more than enough to write about so when I can get back up and running regularly, the posts will come thick and fast!

But in the meantime I wanted to do a little write up on Farmer Palmer's as I've had a few fun days there lately. Back in January, FP's came up with a fantastic offer on its annual passes - if you bought one within the specified time period, it would be valid from when the park opened in early February this year until the end of the February half term next year. Ok, so it's closed from the end of December for 5 weeks or so, but for £40 (when it would normally cost me £8.75 a visit), this still seemed like an absolute bargain, especially as D2 is free being under 2.

And we've certainly been making use of it, even if the weather's been a little on the 'fresh' side. But the nice thing about having an annual pass is that you don't have to spend all day there - you can just go for a couple of hours if you like, which is exactly what we've been doing.

The nice thing about Farmer Palmer's is the variety of things to do. From bouncy castles to animals to soft play to the play park, there's enough to keep the kids entertained. And let's be honest, us adults too. I wasn't sure how much D2 would get out of some of the entertainment – she's only 16 months – but it's been a good opportunity to explore her limits and see what she's ready for and what she's not ready for. 

Pony grooming
So the cuddling of guinea pigs has been a reasonable hit, although a couple of the poor creatures have been subjected to a bit of fur-pulling (sorry…!). She's not quite ready for the feeding of animals but is happy to watch Mummy or D1 do it. Bouncy castles are a bit of a no-go – mainly because she doesn't actually know how to jump yet! The play park's a massive hit though, as is the soft play. But the nice thing is that as the year progresses, she'll progress too and we'll be able to enjoy more and more together. And as the weather gets warmer, we'll be able to spend time enjoying the outdoor space more. Hurrah!

To find out more, visit I'll see you down there this summer!

These piglets were just a week old when we saw them! Awwww!

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