Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Do you wanna build a snowman? Er, no…

It seems that since Christmas most places around the country had experienced snowfall of some kind. I was hoping that we'd avoid it being so far South, so you can imagine the look on my face when my hubby told me we'd had snow this morning… 

Let me make one thing clear. I don't like snow. Actually, I don't like cold. I am NOT a winter person. I like hot weather, hot holidays, summer clothes and the feel of the sun on my face. I do not like not being able to feel my toes, wrapping up in 20 layers and not being able to get out in my garden. I think I've made my point.

So the fact that we'd had a couple of inches of snow overnight was not met with joy by me this morning. Unlike some, I was praying that the school would be open and the sun would come out and melt the snow away. (I got both my wishes, hurrah!) Sadly D1 hasn't inherited my hatred of the wet stuff and gleefully pelted me with snowballs ALL THE WAY TO SCHOOL. 

I then attempted to go somewhere 10 minutes away in the car. It took me 30 minutes. 

I'd diligently cleared ALL the snow off my vehicle, unlike some muppets who could barely see through their snow-covered windscreens. 

On the way home, my car slid across some ice. 

Then the sun came out and melted it all away.


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