Monday, 19 January 2015

So much to do, so little time

Obviously I had all good intentions of blogging regularly and brilliantly when the year kicked off, and like many resolutions, it's obviously slightly waned… There just never seem to be enough hours in the day. I don't think my time management is especially poor, but I do have a little lady who likes to power nap, so unlike some mums, I don't get to enjoy a two-hour stint to get things done. If I get over 30 minutes, I count myself lucky! But what I end up doing while she's snoozing is madly trying to squeeze what I can into that time and being reluctant to start any job that's too big, because I may end up leaving it unfinished.

Somehow I managed to work four days a week, keep a household fairly in check and still find time to go out and have fun. These days I'm working sporadically in the evenings, my house looks like a bomb's hit it most of the time and I spend my evenings thinking I'll get lots achieved then find myself dozing off in front of the TV far too early.

Am I the only time-poor mum out there? And what are your tips for keeping on top of things, other than bribing the grandparents to give you some time off from time to time?! Please share! 

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