Wednesday 26 November 2014

Baby brain never ends....

What is it about having kids that just turns your brain to mush? I know some people say that baby brain doesn't exist, but I beg to differ. Before having kids, I was reasonably organised, had a great memory (both long- and short-term) and could remember things just like that [clicks fingers].

But these days if I don't write something down almost immediately, I forget it. D1 said something hilarious at bathtime tonight and now I cannot remember what it was. I write lists. Endless bloody lists of things to do, to buy, to pack... For the first time ever, this year I forgot one of my best friend's child's birthdays. I didn't forget it by a day or two. It was by weeks. I was mortified!

So what is it about kids that does this? Is it something to do with all those crazy pregnancy and post-birth hormones? Or is it because our brains simply cannot cope with all the extra information that having a child brings? More importantly - will I ever get my brain back?! 

I know I'm not alone in this, but if anyone has any tips - or thoughts - about improving my brain power, I would love to hear them! 

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